Guest Blog Post: Justin Scro, Part 4

This is the fourth and final installment of Justin Scro’s guest blog post for my site. If you haven’t read the previous three installments (1, 2, 3), please do so before tackling this one. * While I’m living at home and working on the screenplays, we put out an ad for a guitar player/keyboardist on […]

Guest Blog Post: Justin Scro, Part 3

This is the third post in the Justin Scro saga. Please read parts 1 and 2 before part 3. (WARNING: There is some profanity.) I read a book a day while writing Waving. Something really funny happened that changed me forever in a profound ass way. As I finished Waving, I began planning Farmhouse, of […]

Guest Blog Post: Justin Scro, Part 2

Here is the 2nd part to Justin Scro‘s guest blog post. (WARNING: There is some profanity.) In case you missed it, part 1 can be found here. *** BANANA! The film stuff was serious. I took shoddy cinema class my high school offered (run brilliantly by the great Karl Barons), that lead to me taken […]

Guest Blog Post: Justin Scro, Part 1

As I mentioned a couple of weeks ago, I’d like to feature guest bloggers on my site on a regular basis. I love the advice fellow authors give, and I love reading about their struggles and all they’ve overcome to achieve their dreams. I find their stories inspiring. Recently, I began chatting with Justin Scro, […]

Guest Blog Post: Acadia Reviews AMC’s The Killing

Well, color me surprised! My good friend Acadia, one of the head honcho’s over at The Superficial Gallery, volunteered tonight to write a post for my site. He’s quite the movie aficionado and is always telling me what shows and movies I MUST watch, so please take a moment and read his review of AMC’s […]

Give it up for Patrick!

Tonight, I would like to introduce you to my  first guest blogger, Patrick Pillars who can be found over at Paddy’s Wanderings. He’s a fellow TCA member and all around good guy. Once you’re finished reading Patrick’s post, please take some time to stop by his site and show him the love. I know he’d […]