A Must Read From Jennifer Hudock

One of my goals in life is to help other’s find success and see their dreams realized. It’s important to me to pay good deeds forward, so that is one I’m doing today. If you’ve never read a Jennifer Hudock story, you don’t know what you’re missing. She is one of the most talented and […]

"The Lapsing Years"

Since someone posted and asked where “The Lapsing Years” was, I’m sharing it with all of you, but please don’t post it anywhere else unless given permission. Thanks! The Lapsing Years A little girl sitting on my lap, Smiling, giggling and full of laughs. Since then many years have passed, Leaving us with many moments […]

New Blog in the Works

It’s been a bit since I last updated, so I wanted to take a minute before I hit the hay for the night and post an update. First, I’ve been working on an ending for a short story that I started a couple of months ago. It’s actually based on a dream that I had […]

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter! I hope you all had a wonderful holiday. I know I did. It was beautiful outside, so we spent the day outside with the kids, raking and working on our compost pile. I can’t wait to start planting some grass and flowers. I know I have not updated since the 27th, and it’s […]

Things to Come

As you can see, I didn’t get a chance to write anything yesterday like I had hoped to. I wasn’t feeling well at all, and I’m still not today. I’m not sure if I have the flu or if it’s my allergies. Either way, I wanted to provide you with some more info on things […]

I’m Back

Well, I’m back after a fairly long hiatus. Yay! I’m so excited. It occurred to me the other day that I’ve let my dreams and passions fall to the wayside for a variety of reasons, with the most important reason being motherhood. It’s not that I haven’t written at all over the last six months, […]

Life’s Lessons

I’ve learned many things over the past 26, almost, 27 years. I thought it would be nice to share some of what I’ve learned with all of you. 1- No one is entitled to anything in life. If you want something in life, you better be prepared to work hard, and often, to get it. […]

My Thankful Thursday List

I tried to post my “Thankful Thursday” post last night, but I was exhausted. It’s been a long week and last night, it all caught up with me. Without further adieu, here is my “Thankful Thursday” post. The first person I’m thankful for is Jennifer Hudock, someone I now consider to be one of my […]

Interested in Knowing How to Become a Freelance Writer?

Just last week, eMuse published an article that I wrote for their March 2009 issue. It’s titled Beginner’s Guide to Online Freelance Writing. If you’d like to read it, please visit the eMuse website and check it out. While there, please take a minute to read my good friend Jennifer’s short story Black Velventeen. I […]

Listening to the Voices Inside

On February 23, my good friend wrote a blog post called When the Universe Speaks. In the post, she encouraged each of us to take 20 minutes and watch the video below. So I did. I was absolutely blown away by the words that Elizabeth Gilbert spoke. When I write, I often feel as though […]

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