What Would You Do if You Knew You Couldn’t Fail? – A Guest Blog Post From Tymothy Longoria
I’ve been very fortunate over the past couple of years to meet some truly inspiring and talented people that have taught me that I can be and do anything as long as I believe in myself and am willing to work hard. One such person that I’ve met is author Tymothy Longoria, a seriously talented man. To say he’s one of the nicest, most encouraging people I’ve ever met would be an understatement. He always has a kind word to offer, no matter what. So please take a few moments and read his guest blog post below. It’s one of my favorites, and I hope it inspires you as much as it did me.
And when you’re done, please take some time to stop by Tymothy’s site and check out all the exciting things that are happening in his life. And if you need a word of encouragement and would like to be inspired, you can also find him on Twitter.
First, of course I would like to sincerely thank Nicole for having me. I am honored and my hope is that my words will touch at least one person. That’s all it takes. Something I said or did inspired others to create something out of nothing. I’m no different than you.
I, like many of my Fellow Writers and friends, am a quote junkie. You know what that is. I even like to make up my own. One of my favorites is: “Writing is second nature to me. Sometimes I forget that.”
But the question above has been floating around the internet for a very long time, and rightly so. It asks a very meaningful and profound question that every single one of us can ponder the answer.
Thing is…I have yet to see an answer. I mean I’m sure those of us who have seen this have asked ourselves this over and over…or even once. But have we ever answered this? Have we said, “Well, I would do this and that.” Or even “Hmm, good question. I think I would achieve my dreams.”
Yes. Great answers, but also very generic ones.
Today let’s answer this question. A line in one of my favorite songs goes like this: “This is the now. No longer will I wait my time.” I’m speaking of writing of course but this is universal. Apply this to any area of your life. Any.
So, what would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail? What would you do if ahead of you was a prize. You name it. What could you achieve if you saw a guaranteed win in your favor?
Well, let’s be reasonable. Nah, let’s not. Reason has its place. But not here. Dreams and Reason are second cousins twice removed.
Let’s imagine. If you knew you’d win, what would you do?
Well, every step is a step closer to the realization of your dream. This quote implies that we have to do something. My most “seen” tagline is “Legends will be reborn.” I thought of that because I have the confidence that these characters will be entirely new. That an entirely new way of seeing something we are all very familiar with is possible. Hey, they did it with vampires and werewolves, right? In short I just want to share my few thoughts with you.
Okay, time to do. First. Clear your heart and mind and remember that brilliant story idea you had. Or maybe it wasn’t so brilliant. What could make it so? The popular bit of advice says to write what you know. I’m no one to disagree. So do that. Ignore the doubt in your head. It’s voice will get thinner and thinner as you progress.
Find your muse. What inspires you? For me it’s God. The things of God. My beliefs are my greatest inspiration. My family. Music. Epic fantasy. My Twitter Friends. Facebook. Seriously. They are all great inspirations. I learn so much from all of you.
Find your voice. How do you feel about certain things in life? What do you want to see written? Write it. Write that line of dialogue. Create that character that will live forever. Your character.
Can you imagine that with me?
A few days ago I tweeted this: How beautiful a sight it is seeing the title of your book on top of your name. That’s the beginning. I consider myself to be a reminder of the good things. So, I took this opportunity to remind you all that you can, especially now-achieve.
Now continue to do what you know you can do.
Continue to believe in yourself.
Continue to ask yourself:
What will I do now that I know I’m going to accomplish my dreams and goals?
Say it with me: I can and will do this.
If you would like to contribute a guest blog post to my site, please feel free to email me at [email protected]. I look forward to hearing from you.
Tymothy Longoria says:
Nicole..thank you so much for this opportunity and wow! What an intro.
I really appreciate that.
One of my missions is to live up to what is said about me. I will do my best to edify and support you all. It’s no small task but then again we’re climbing mountains not hills.
Thank you.
#ForThoseAboutToRock #BNFF #YASB #NerdRock #WriteOn
Tymothy Longoria recently posted..It’s Friday
Nikki says:
The intro is true. You fill your tweets and FB posts with inspiring and encouraging words that can lift a person up when they’re feeling down. I’m sure I speak for everyone when I say that’s greatly appreciated.
And like you, I want to inspire others and make a difference, so it’s always nice to have friends that feel the same.
As for supporting us, you’re already doing a fantastic job.
Allie Burke says:
Why is it that is always the word I say out loud as I read something Tymothy Longoria has written?
I don’t know. But its always the same. His words. And… Wow.
You know that with your words you inspire me, Tymothy. But, now… I am inspired. Again.
Thank you, for this is proof that you are always here for us. Thank you for your support. Your #WriterLove.
The Writer that I am, that I KNOW I am, would not exist without you. You remember… that “other” Allie Burke. The one who had “written some stuff”. I can’t go back to that. I won’t. Ever.
Because of you, I. Am. Writer. You have done so much. Thank you.
Nikki says:
Aw! It’s great to have friends like that.
Nicholas Denmon says:
Boom. Tym drew me in 😉 BNFF – word on the street is; it’s what’s happening.
Nikki says:
It’s hard to not be drawn in by Tym’s words. They’re powerful.
Trisha Wolfe says:
This is such an inspiring post! Thanks so much, Tymothy, for all you do and all your support. Looking forward to seeing great things from you in the future!
Trisha Wolfe says:
Wow, major typo. That would be *such not suck =/ Sorry!
Nikki says:
Don’t worry. I fixed it for you.
And yes, it’s very inspiring.
Patti Larsen
Twitter: PattiLarsen
So true–and failure is never an option. Maybe the path you chose doesn’t end up exactly where you imagined it–often it’s even better as long as you don’t quit.
I live my life by this premise. I want it. I’m doing it. Outta the way.
Great post!
Tymothy Longoria says:
Nikki, Nicholas, Allie, Trisha and Patti.
We are who we are, no?
We are Writers through and through. Like the joy of God gives you-no, I am not converting anyone here, lol-NO ONE can take that away from us.
If anything we will continue to write in our hearts and minds.
But, thankfully we have the tools necessary. We must use what we have been given to the fullest extent.
We. Will. Prevail.
Tymothy Longoria recently posted..It’s Friday
David Sobkowiak
Twitter: dsobkowiak
Great post, interesting question. I think I’d write more if I knew I could “win” at it. Sure, at first it would be for the money (gotta pay the bills) but then I think I would want to focus my words so that they could do the most for people. I’d want to say something in my works that would benefit people in the best possible way. If you don’t give back, all the winning in the world becomes pointless, at least where I’m sitting. Thanks for this Tym.
Christin Mowery says:
We should definitely ask ourselves this question. The answer will be different for each of us…though, perhaps, not in this circle…however, the realization of each dream is the manifestation of one promise: We can do ALL THINGS through Jesus Christ who strengthens us. Believe this, and nothing is impossible.
Thank you, Tymothy, for being an inspiration. Your light shines bright, so that others can find their way. <3